A Free 2-hour introductory CCS workshop will be scheduled on May 17th from 4-6 pm at Rhode Island College. Sign-up at: http://tinyurl.com/CCS-free
There are two CCS program options. FabNewport will initiate three Option 1 programs & one Option 2 program in the summer of 2016.
Option 1 - 13.5 Hours: (Cost: $275/person) - The initial Full-day workshops will be held on either: Thursday, July 7 or Monday, July 11 or Monday, July 18
Option 2 - participants will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and practice with Scratch including using Scratch to connect the computer to the physical world using hardware such as Makey Makey.
1 Full-day Workshops in July (6.5 Hours)
5-day Summer Institute in August (3.5-Hours each day with homework)
2 2-Hour Follow-up Sessions
2 1.5 Hour Community of Practice Meetings
Includes Physical Computing with Scratch
Register: http://tinyurl.com/CCS-OptionTwo
Option 2 - 31 Hours: (Cost: $600/person) – The initial Full-day workshop will be held on either: Thursday, July 7 or Monday, July 11 or Monday, July 18. The 5-Day Summer Institute will be held from Monday to Friday, August 8 – 12.
To learn more about Scratch go to: https://scratch.mit.edu/about/
© 2005 - Rhode Island Society for Technology in Education (RISTE)